OPTUMEVIT 5G Multivitamin Tablet
antioxidants / multivitamins
Ginkgo Biloba Extracts 60 mg, Ginseng Extracts 45 mg, Green Tea Extracts 20 mg, Garlic Extract 20 mg, Grape Seed Extracts 5 mg, Magnesium Oxide 84.66 mg, Vitamin C 40 mg, Vitamin E 4 mg Multivitamin & Multimineral Tablets
OPTUMEVIT 5G (Ginko Biloba, Ginseng, Green Tea, Garlic and Grape Seed) .... Super Antioxidant (Combination of Vital Nutrients Vitamins and Minerals)
OPTUMEVIT Multivitamin Syrup
antioxidants / multivitamins
Amino Acids, Multivitamin & Antioxidant Syrup
OPTUMEVIT (Amino Acid) Antioxidant & Multivitamin…To Improve Proper Growth and Development
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